“Our daughter, who is diagnosed with developmental disabilities would ask: "When can I go to college, have my own place to live, and get a job like my brother and sisters?"
How does a parent answer those questions when you believe there is no answer? As parents, Goldensun has been an answer to our prayers. It may look a little different than her siblings, but she has her own home, her own friends, she works and gets paid. She is growing in self confidence. Her world is bigger than the back bedroom of our home where she had been living before she moved to Goldensun. She has a whole community surrounding her. She has things to do and places to go.
Moving our daughter to Goldensun has allowed us as her parents to embrace slowing down and has given us a hope that Anna will have a bright future when we are gone. What a wonderful gift.”
-DK, mother of Goldensun member
Goldensun is licensed through the Arizona Department of Economic Security, Division of Developmental Disabilities as a provider of service to those who live in Individually Designed Living Arrangements. Those who qualify for IDLA services have the freedom to choose who they live with and where they live.
Currently, each member of the Goldensun community shares an IDLA home with two or three other adults with developmental disabilities, while enjoying their own private room. Goldensun members also benefit from relationships with members who live in four homes within walking distance in the same neighborhood.
But life in our community is so much more than a house, a room, or even a home. Goldensun’s passion is to enhance the spiritual, social, emotional, physical, and intellectual well-being of each resident through a community concept. Bowling, soccer, Special Olympics, trips to the gym and church outings are regular parts of the lives of Goldensun members. The free transportation offered by Goldensun allows members to enjoy these special events, shopping, movies and community events to be a part of life without worry of additional expense.
Join us for one of our monthly potlucks. Families, volunteers, friends, donors, members and staff gather at 6:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month to enjoy food, fellowship and fun. Location: 4334 W. Vista Ave., Glendale, AZ 85301 (Trinity Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall)